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23/02/2023 11:00
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10/02/2023 17:00
CPP Kits de Robótica 2023
Charla informativa: miércoles 08/02/23, 12:30 a 13:30 hs., a través del siguiente link: meet.google.com/bjo-fote-obs
Charla informativa: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cxjxTuiXbH4j9C7H3UZvH6LDr6Y0QoAY/view?usp=share_link
El Centro Ceibal para el Apoyo a la Niñez y la Adolescencia (Centro Ceibal), persona pública no estatal creada por Ley N° 18.640, de 8 de enero de 2010, tiene dentro de sus cometidos, entre otros, la gestión del Plan Ceibal (Programa para la Conectividad Educativa de Informática Básica para el Aprendizaje en Línea), el Programa Jóvenes a Programar (Decreto 407/016 de fecha 26 de diciembre de 2016), sin perjuicio de otros programas que por razones de interés público el Poder Ejecutivo le asigne. En este contexto, el CENTRO CEIBAL, convoca a Concurso Público de Precios, a efectos de la Adquisición de Kits de Robótica 2023.
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Solicitamos prorroga para presentación de las ofertas, a fin determinar la opción mas adecuada, que cumpla con las especificaciones solicitadas, y contar el plazo correspondiente para poder presentar la muestra en tiempo y forma. Estimaríamos un plazo idóneo para cumplir con la presentación de la oferta y presentación de muestra de aproximadamente 10 días hábiles posteriores a la fecha de apertura prevista. Plazo ( 10 días hábiles) que solicitamos se prorrogue la apertura de este llamado.
Estimado oferente, la nueva fecha de apertura es el 23/02/2023 11 hs.
Respuesta realizada el 14/02/2023 16:36
hi. related to part item B bid, it is consider to be one of the requirements that it must include at least two continuous rotation motors, with precise speed control, that allow robots to be assembled with differential traction. Does that mean the motor should rely their speed control on a closed loop feedback with encoders?
It is not mandatory that the motors, internally, have a closed control loop consisting of encoders, controller and driver. However, the use case of a differential robot following straight lines at different speeds on a flat surface will be part of the pedagogical evaluation, and will be scored accordingly.
It is not mandatory that the rotation speed is expressed in physical angular velocity. A rotation speed for the continuous rotation motors may be expressed in arbitrary units.
Respuesta realizada el 10/02/2023 17:31
Hello. For submitting a bid for the Part B item, should we include printed material into the kit, such as assembly instructions, device user manual, exercises and other educational material such as teaching guide or experiments.
The sample must match the product offered. The pedagogical material will be taken into consideration by the technical-pedagogical team during the evaluation process.
Respuesta realizada el 10/02/2023 17:24
1. We need to ask whether the samples to be delivered, as well as the actual products if we get the award, need to include printed curriculum material in the kit. User manual should be printed? And if yes should be in Spanish? What about teaching material, experiments and exercises.?
2. Encoders and speed control (@Jim Fragos would reply to this mail with the actual question being set properly)
The offer must be written in Spanish, with the exception of brochures that may be submitted in English or Spanish. The curricular material of each kit can be in printed or digital format. The pedagogical material and its language will be taken into consideration by the technical-pedagogical team during the evaluation process.
Respuesta realizada el 10/02/2023 17:23
1. We need to ask whether the samples to be delivered, as well as the actual products if we get the award, need to include printed curriculum material in the kit. User manual should be printed? And if yes should be in Spanish? What about teaching material, experiments and exercises.?
2. Encoders and speed control (@Jim Fragos would reply to this mail with the actual question being set properly)
The offer must be written in Spanish, with the exception of brochures that may be submitted in English or Spanish. The curricular material of each kit can be in printed or digital format. The pedagogical material and its language will be taken into consideration by the technical-pedagogical team during the evaluation process.
Respuesta realizada el 10/02/2023 17:22
1. We need to ask whether the samples to be delivered, as well as the actual products if we get the award, need to include printed curriculum material in the kit. User manual should be printed? And if yes should be in Spanish? What about teaching material, experiments and exercises.?
2. Encoders and speed control (@Jim Fragos would reply to this mail with the actual question being set properly)
The offer must be written in Spanish, with the exception of brochures that may be submitted in English or Spanish. The curricular material of each kit can be in printed or digital format. The pedagogical material and its language will be taken into consideration by the technical-pedagogical team during the evaluation process.
Respuesta realizada el 10/02/2023 17:21
Hola ,
En la parte de las fichas technicas aperecen 2 modelos especificos de LEGO, nuestros productos de ROBOTICA son a lo menos iguales pero en muchas partes mejores de LEGO todavia podemos submitir o es solamnete para articulos especificos de LEGO?
• Les agradezco su actualizacion.
La casuísticas indicada esta contemplada en el Objeto B. Para ofertar se deberá contemplar los requerimientos técnicos del Objeto B.
Respuesta realizada el 25/01/2023 16:28
Hola ,
En la parte de las fichas technicas aperecen 2 modelos especificos de LEGO, nuestros productos de ROBOTICA son a lo menos iguales pero en muchas partes mejores de LEGO todavia podemos submitir o es solamnete para articulos especificos de LEGO?
• Les agradezco su actualizacion.
La casuísticas indicada esta contemplada en el Objeto B. Para ofertar se deberá contemplar los requerimientos técnicos del Objeto B.
Respuesta realizada el 25/01/2023 16:27