Opened on
16/07/2024 11:00

Closing date for queries
11/07/2024 17:00

Concurso Público de Precios: Kits de robótica LEGO

Ceibal, persona pública no estatal creada por Ley 18.640, es el centro de innovación educativa con tecnologías digitales del Estado Uruguayo, al servicio de las políticas públicas educativas. Promueve la integración de la tecnología a la educación con el fin de mejorar los aprendizajes e impulsar procesos de innovación, inclusión y crecimiento personal. En este contexto, el CENTRO CEIBAL, convoca a Concurso Público de Precios, a efectos de la Adquisición de Kits de robótica LEGO.

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  • This tool may only be used as a means of communication between parties, as part of a bidding process. Through it the interested parties can make queries, ask for extensions and make the bid. Questions and answers will be published here without revealing details of the bidder submitting the request.
  • It is prohibited to use this tool to transmit any information other than that concerning the bidding process; any material containing obscene, offensive, abusive, threatening, discriminatory, etc. content is prohibited. Centro Ceibal has the right to delete this content, without detriment to further legal action.
  • Verification and uniformity of data submitted is the responsibility of the interesed bidder, these will be the contact details considered valid for the entirity of the bidding process.
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